Top 5 Reasons for Finding a new job

Top 5 Reasons for Finding a new job

Finding a new job can be difficult, but is it more, or less difficult than staying where you are? It’s a big decision to leave a job and you need to have good reasons to do so. Resigning can mean you lose benefits and potentially spend weeks or even months without a salary. However, if you identify with any of the following, it might be time to start looking for a new job and improve your career prospects.

  1. Better salary/package

If you feel you are not being adequately compensated for what you bring to the organisation, you can leverage your talents to land a position in a company with a bigger budget. Leaving an employer because of a better offer is a perfectly valid reason to quit your job, and we all need to make a decent living, after all.

  1. Career change/ Entrepreneurial goals

Do you feel the urge to finally follow your passion and shift to a career closer to your heart? Doing something you love can be a stronger pull than the need to earn more, especially if you already have some cash set aside. And that’s why a career change or setting up your own business makes a good reason for leaving a job.

  1. Job no longer meets your expectations

Work environments change. Sometimes, the change is so significant that your job becomes unrecognisable from the one you started with. If you’re unhappy with what your job has become, disappointment in your position is a valid reason for leaving and finding a new job that aligns more closely with your expectations. 

But before you resign, raise the issue with your manager or senior management team. State your concerns and give them an idea of what you think are possible solutions to the problems you’re experiencing. If communication fails, then that’s when you should consider finding a new job that’s better suited to your qualifications and aspirations.

  1. Toxic manager/workplace

The ability to thrive when managed by a toxic manager or working in a toxic environment, is almost impossible. And why should you? If you’re going to work for someone, it might as well be someone who appreciates you.

 A good manager is charismatic, compassionate, communicative, and respectful. If your current manager isn’t, you should really think about leaving your job and finding an organisation that enables positive people management.

  1. Career growth

Working for a company that believes in you, invests in career growth and recognises potential is very special. If you do not feel this is offered at your current organisation, then perhaps it’s time to move on and look for a new job in which you can grow, flourish and succeed.

Are you ready to find your next job?

If you’ve recognised even one of the above reasons in your current work situation, why not explore the possibility of finding a new job. Boost your chances of landing your dream job with some coaching and career support and we’ll help you get there more quickly.

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