Strike the pose

This is us

Nina, brunette and one of three, and Jessie red-head and only child, met in their teens and connected straight away, later becoming step sisters and living together in their blended family home in Hertfordshire. 

They met at a time in their lives that the pressures of school and social life were becoming increasingly significant.

Nina's energies were focused on her academic endeavours. She studied and burned incense sticks for hours on end, determined to do well in her exams, socialising only when she had time.

Jessie focused on her social life, investing her time in forging strong relationships with her new step family and school friends, having lots of fun and studying when she could.

The two lived side by side motivated by different things but bound by a love of people and relationships.

They learnt a lot about themselves, and each other, and the complex dynamics of family life. The trials, the tribulations; boy trouble, school trouble, home trouble… the rollercoaster of life, always shared with love and laughter (and Dumb and Dumber.)

A shared love of comedy, doing accents, pulling faces, funny walks and dressing up- they and their sisters were always able to make each other laugh. In fact so much so that when it came to trying to find a suitable photo to go with this blog, it was hard to find any they weren't goofing around in. Even the one you see here is the two or them pretending to be models. 

After they finished school they went on their respective gap years and then to University, Nina to study Science and Jessie to study TV, Film and Theatre Studies.

Nina went on to do a PHD and work in science, forging a successful career with Cancer Research UK, in which she thrived and became a successful leader before leaving in 2016. Jessie worked as a teacher, and set up a teaching business in Spain, then as a recruitment consultant before doing a Post Graduate Diploma in Human Resource Management to move into the world of HR and Professional Development. 

During their twenties and early thirties, both living between London and Hertfordshire, they enjoyed all London and single life had to offer. 

Since then, they have moved to Kent and Norwich, respectively, and embarked on the colourful tapestry of starting their own families, only a year apart. They now work in the same space, coaching and nurturing themselves and others.

 A beautiful connection, making people feel valued just as they are.

Raising them up, cheering them on and having fun along the way. 

Different skills.

Shared but different backgrounds.

Same core beliefs in human nature and what’s important. 😊










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