Silent Roulette: The unsettling silence of post-interview feedback

Silent Roulette: The unsettling silence of post-interview feedback


Some clients tell me they attend interviews but don't receive feedback.

Can you imagine?

I mean, apart from anything else, it’s just rude.

Surely, a prospective employer should at least thank you for your time and interest.

And, interview feedback is so valuable, not only for the candidate, but for the employer too.

Although employers are not legally required to give candidates feedback, those that do enhance their reputation in the marketplace. It makes candidates feel their time and effort was valued and they might even recommend the company to other people. 

So let's take a closer look at some of the reasons why interview feedback is so important... 


  • It can help candidates understand how to improve their chances of securing similar roles elsewhere, whether it be extra training, tailoring their answers more appropriately, giving better examples, whatever they didn’t demonstrate enough, employers should share it with them.
  • It helps the candidate to grow and it prompts the employer to really think about what they need from someone in the role. 


  • Sharing aspects of the candidate’s behaviour and how they answered questions, helps them to increase their self-awareness and give them focus for future interviews.


  • Receiving feedback, even if it is not the outcome the candidate would have liked, gives them closure. It helps them understand why they weren't  successful and allows them to draw a line under it and move on to the next opportunity.


  • Candidates value professional and constructive feedback and will be grateful for it, as they recoginse how helpful it is for them.
  • It serves as a great tool for the organisation’s brand as it is likely to create a positive impression of the organisation, and even mean they apply again for another role better suited to them in the future.


  • Feedback benefits the employer as it helps them identify where they can improve their selection criteria, interview techniques and communication with candidates. They could also ask for feedback from candidates to assess what the interview process is like from the other side of the table to highlight how the process might be improved.

So if you're an employer, please be sure to give feedback to all the candidates who take the time and interest to interview with your organisation, and if you're a candidate who hasn't heard back from an employer, feel free to contact them and ask for it. And if they ghost you? Well, I've got some tips for that I'll be sharing in another blog. 














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