Own your choices

Own your choices

The needs of a young family and the demands of work are frequently at odds with each another. But for many, they need to co-exist. Parents want to be there for their children, but they also want and/or need to work and develop themselves.

As a result, a lot of parents struggle with guilt.

They don’t feel they’re committed enough to work, or they aren’t giving enough to their families. They look at the aspect of their life that they have deputised, for want of a better word, whilst they invest more of their time in what they have prioritised.

But what if we focused on where we are putting our energy, and fully committed to that?

Whatever your priority at the time, is the right thing for you. By giving yourself permission to own it you can enjoy it more.

The alternative is continual inner turmoil in which you feel bad about everything and don’t enjoy anything. Why would you choose to do that?

I know it sounds easier said than done, but if you can start by recognising what decisions you are making and why you are making them you will a) start living more mindfully and b) feel empowered by the decisions you make.

I personally chose family over work. It was a conscious decision I made, knowing that for a limited amount of time, it would affect my income and involve sacrifices. But that’s what I wanted, and it was worth it to me.

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t envy other parents who were earning their full salaries again but, it didn’t outweigh how much I was enjoying being a newly- wed, and a mum, and getting to know my son.

Yes indeed. 2016 was a busy year!

Getting married, moving house and having a baby all in 6months!

Needless to say, I learnt a lot about myself, my strengths and my limitations and knew that for me, going back to work was not an option, but setting up a business was. 😊

Introducing … “Peak Performance HR Ltd!”

I started the business in 2018 and took it very slowly, fitting it in round the needs of the family. It was occasionally frustrating not being able to grow the business more quickly, but I had to remember my "why" and back myself.

I knew that I wanted a business that reflected my values, gave me flexibility to be there for my family, helped develop others and provided a decent income. 

And it helped to have a supportive husband who believed in me and the business and championed my efforts as a mum and as a business owner.

6 years later I’m proud to say my boys are happy and still enjoying hanging out with me, the business is growing and I’m still learning.

So, all in all, a good place to be. It’s been a huge learning curve to discover I can’t be everything to everyone all the time, but I CAN own my choices. 



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