Discovering new horizons: Why you should pursue a new career if you want it

Discovering new horizons: Why you should pursue a new career if you want it

If you want to start a new career, but don’t think you can, stop at looking at what you don't have and start looking at what you do. All the great qualities, skills and experience you've accrued over the years, there's bound to be plenty in there to share in your new career. 

And there is likely to be a reason why the new career path appeals to you right now.

It hasn’t occurred to you by chance. It will have come to you because something about it really resonates with you or even excites you.

Your interest in this new path is valid, and real, and could be the start of a very fulfilling journey.

So, before you dismiss your chances of successfully starting a new career, you need to take a deeper look at yourself – your values, skills, experience and, last, but not least, network of friends and family.

Once you do this, you are likely to see why the new career path appeals to you, and why you’d be great at it.

You might not have the exact skills and experience the new career demands, but if you have the values, enthusiasm, and motivation to research the industry and its opportunities, leverage your network, and think outside the box, then you can absolutely make it happen.

Think about your current job.

Have you always known how to do what you do today?

Have there been times when you have had to wing it and work it out as you go?

Not having the exact skills and/or experience is very easy to overcome, so don’t let that be your excuse for not going after a new career.

So many skills are transferable, particularly soft skills.

These are “people skills” or “interpersonal skills” such as communication, leadership, teamwork, creativity, time management and adaptability, because these are the skills that enable you to be successful in any workplace.

Forward-thinking organisations that recognise potential encourage applications from a diverse candidate base, which will include those candidates who, like you, do not have the exact skills and experience outlined in the job description.

A workforce, made up of enthusiastic, motivated employees, who share the values of the organisation, is going to be far more successful than one comprised of employees who have been employed purely based on their skills and experience.

So, if you’re wondering whether to take action towards pursuing a new career, ask yourself two questions.

What have I got to lose?

What happens if I don’t try?

Hopefully you'll find it's worth taking action and giving it a go. 







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